Sunday, June 17, 2007

Road trip 05 pt 1 Devil's Tower, Mt. Rushmore

In the Spring of 2005, we took a road trip across the country. We hit something like 23 states over 3+ weeks. We started off in Wyoming visiting Sam's folks. I went trap shooting with her dad for clay pigeons (held my own thank you very much!). I've never been to Devil's Tower, and yes, it is kinda spooky. For miles, as we approach it, it looks big and ominous, once you get there, the trail around it is only a 1.5 mile loop! It's tall, lots of birds live and fly around the column, but it doesn't look as big up close as it does miles away. Our next stop was the Black Hills, visiting Crazy Horse and Mt. Rushmore. Mt. Rushmore's heads are smaller than I expected. A path goes to the base of the faces. Driving thru the Black Hills is fun all the attractions, Flintstone Village, Reptile Gardens etc!

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